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Thursday, February 17, 2022

An 'emotion" called Love 💓

I chanced upon this this TV show called “Modern Love”, assuming it to be a regular run of the mill rom-com show and wanting a change from the regular crime drama series that I usually love to binge on; I decided to give it a try. And I was glad I did, as it did blow my mind (and heart too) in the way they had handled the most clichéd topic “love”. Anyway, not here to review the show but would love to share my thoughts about the most ‘loved’ topic.

 These were the stories of real people from your daily walk of life, not the sugar-coated romances you see on the silver screen. The characters were close to home and heart, people you meet every day. People who know, who pass you by on a busy street, or some who you may meet in your office, better still these could be your friends too. Every story was beautiful its own way bringing you to an understanding that love is not just a whirlwind romance between two people, or what you see in a marriage; but it showed love as an emotion which can catch you unawares right when you are not prepared for it and in the most mundane places and times; and with unexpected people.

 Love comes to you in many forms, unbeknownst of your gender, age, relations, status, etc.  It has many facets of its own and waltzes into your life when you least expect it or better still when you most need it. Life has its own way to teach you and guide you to the right path, sometimes it is in the form of these serendipitous connections that show up in your life. You could be on the verge of a mental break down, at crossroads of your life or stuck in a place of indecisiveness. They appear just about when you have given up, or most importantly to steer you towards making the right decision or the right path. Yes, they just show up and sometimes only to comfort you or hold your hand. So, when these life changing connections show up, you wake up from this deep slumber and take notice.


Love happens when you are unafraid of revealing your true self, not only your strengths and achievements but also your vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Being vulnerable takes a huge leap of faith and that’s why it’s so important when you start open up to someone. Knowing that you may be judged for saying or doing something, but you still share your secrets with them. But also trusting that they will accept you for what and who you are. So, when you are unafraid of being your naked self, unafraid of expressing or sharing your dreams, you know you are with the right person.

They accept or ignore your shortcomings, coz hey no one’s perfect. When you look at them, it’s like looking in a mirror and falling in love with yourself again. They will be the best friend you always wanted or the answer to all your prayers or the shoulder to cry on or to rest on when you are tired. It may never be a perfect relationship, or it may just turn out to be a beautiful friendship; but then you hold on to the love it brings and celebrate it.

It is said there is no age to finding love, you can chance upon it when you are in your crazy 20’s or in golden 60’s, what matters is the connect you find with another. With age the reason for being with a person, changes from the hormone driven adolescent years to the pleasure-seeking years to those years when you want mature connections and then those years when you only crave for companionship and holding hands. Do not stop yourself from opening when someone shows up.

Finding someone who cares for you when you are not at your best, or when you are dealing with physical or mental health issues can be quite a challenge. As no one is fully equipped to understand let alone care or empathise with someone who is dealing with such anxieties. As much as it is unnerving to think about ending up with someone dealing with mental issue; but it is much more terrifying for the person going through it. The social stigma and judgements that comes along with it, could do irreversible damage. But then you always do what you need to, reach out and that’s when you can open doors to healing and love; that which comes from family, friends or at times even from strangers. As Maya Angelou said 'have enough courage to love one more time and always one more time.' 

You may not find all of these qualities in one person, but facets of them in people around you. These people or inspirations are near you, all you need to do is decipher what it is that you need to learn. In my journey I have learned a lot from these everyday people, be it in my workplace, casual acquaintances, even strangers have managed to surprise me on glum days. When you find that one that's right for you, you feel like they were put there for you and you would never want to be apart.

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