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Friday, October 18, 2013

Hope... hopeful or hopeless it's your choice

“Three grand essentials in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for” ~ Joseph Addison
The one word on which the world survives… All future is hope… Dreams are hope… Wishes are hope in disguise..
The only thing that makes man wake up and live each day, is the hope we have.
We wake up in the morning and hope that today will good… we will love, spread a few smiles, work well, enjoy our existence… What the day brings about might be different from what you plan, but then there is always the night to unwind to let go and dream again. We sleep hoping to be awake the next morning.

Hope is what makes us think that tomorrow will be better and beautiful. We will dream to have a bigger house, a first-hand car, an awesome job, a loving sweetheart; for some a decent meal, enough daily wage, and the list will go on. The list that is different for different people but with only one thing in common, everyone lives with hope. 

But what do we do when we lose that very will, when we feel hopeless. Do we stop living and give up? Do we give in to despair? Or do we strive to fight out our situation? Or do we just accept it and move on?

Whether we choose to go downhill or uphill the choice is ours. The journey uphill has never been too easy, it’s a tough task, but nevertheless that’s will be a part of your growth. There will be moments when you would want to quit and give up and take the downhill path, which tempts you and seems far more easier. But I would rather say, “never ever give up”.  There is always some good when life puts you through these tests, some lessons to be learned. Face them, face yourself, face your fears, face your insecurities, face your weaknesses and they are all within you!

It’s never been too easy, not at all. Someone or some situation comes in your life to show you the mirror and you don’t like what you see. You want to flee and never see it, unnerving as it may sound it is. But build up the courage and face it, do your best and with LOVE. No one can promise a definite outcome, but you will be glad you tried and yes there will be ‘hope’ that things may change someday. But you will know that you did face your fears and emerged a winner and wiser.

It’s time to live for today and never give up the hope for a better tomorrow.


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