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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

“Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls” ~ Khalil Gibran

Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?
~James J. Walker
You never know when love happens, in just a split second your world changes. Yes of course over the years the whole course of falling love changes… but of course the effects are almost the same always. Young or old, naïve or smart pants, tall or short, dark or thin, American or Asian, no one’s been spared ever. So how could I be immune to such great surge of energy?
People find love in various ways… music, art, work, hobbies and of course people, the latter being the most common denominator. There nothing more complex than the whole process of falling in love, an extraordinary phenomenon, which I can’t comprehend myself and maybe I never will be.
Man has been and will always be a social animal, always lonely for company. And why wouldn’t he, isn’t that the only way he could create a society. But today the ‘society’ is what dictates his needs and wants. Each and every society has its own rules, moralities, set of standards, religions, to be followed. But in this whole arrangement the only thing that’s common is man’s need for love, to get and to give, the former being the most dominant one.
As a child he is nurtured with the unconditional love of the mother, and the need for love grows deeper as he grows. This hunger for love most times surpasses the hunger for food too. Thus seeking a companion to fill this emptiness, and most of the times he succeeds in his endeavor too.
A lot has been written and said about love, and I am not going to do anything different. This magical feeling has conveyed a certain depth in my life. Love in my love too has come in many forms and regaled me, surprised me over and over again. Ever since I became capable of loving another human being, I have always been in loveJ. In love with my friends, family and many others who happened to cross my path. Today I am grateful to all those marvelous people who were and still are a part of my life.

In the clasp of a hand, in the charm of a smile,  in the endearing words of comfort, in the warmth of a hug, in the passion of a kiss, in the tender look, in the nonsense laughter, in the timely help, in the affectionate touch, in the undaunted gossip, in the sweetness of a meal, in the uninhibited shopping, in the concern of a voice which says I care, in the not so good scolding, in the random call and message just to check on, in the singing of emotional songs, in the crazy dancing, in the drinks toasted, in the thrashing of mean, in the lovely presents, in the silence which spoke, in the make ups and break ups, in the friendly advice, in  the absolute forgiveness, in the memoirs they all live.
A salute to all the special people to whom I will always be grateful for all this love.

To the ones I loved, I love and I will always love

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Being an “introvert”

I have always been a self proclaimed introvert in the truest sense. Socially classified you are someone who is shy, not outgoing, in short someone who is at all times in his/her nutshell.
Why is being an introvert a personality disorder? As expressed by a few people who consider themselves classic extroverts. As you might agree that every bit of our personality is carved in those extremely perceptive and impressionable years of our childhood and puberty. Most of the experiences, circumstances that conjure up during this phase, almost add to the culmination of the persona you grow up to be.
Socially and professionally it’s a taboo if you aren’t the extrovert types, and could pass off as someone who is haughty and nonchalant too most of the times. It’s quite an eye opener that almost every single personality development or leadership skills courses, want to coach you to alter this unpardonable trait. But if being the center of attention is the prime motive of the extroverts, well then in retrospect you do need an audience (and a good one that) too. That’s where I (introvert) come in the picture maybe, quite blurred too if at all.
As for me at no point in time will I refute the fact that I’m not an introvert, in fact I quite enjoy this trait of mine too. The loads of benefits that come with it are far too many, could list a few. It’s given me ample of time to spend time with Myself, and having said that, that I don’t enjoy the company of jolly good spirits would be a white lie! It allows me to gauge people before I actually decipher their space in my life. Guess that’s the raison d'être why I have the wealth of well chosen friends, perhaps more than an extrovert too. Countless creative geniuses have been by choice recluse themselves, which initiated their immense talent.
World from Within
So this recluse inside of me almost always aided to seek answers for all the complexities that life brought, within me. and the journey still continues to find your perfect self, and being your ‘self’ with all the imperfections is what matters!
Leave the extrovert alone for two minutes and he reaches for his cell phone, so what does an introvert do when he is left alone? He stays alone.
“Lucky me not to be able to get along with too many people; unlucky them not to get along with me.” Hazem R Ahmed