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Monday, January 24, 2011

Love is not love until love’s vulnerable – Theodore Roethke

‘The power of relationship lies with the one who cares less as opposed to the one who cares more or has more stake in it. It’s true with every relationship we put our best foot (self) forward, a lot of effort to care for those we love or want to please. We do everything to make it perfect, never pausing to realize if these feelings are reciprocated. Till we reach a point when there’s no turning back. Our heart, our mind & our life, we have staked it all.
What makes us so vulnerable?? Is it losing the people we love, or the time we invest in the relationship, or just plain uncontainable desire perhaps? Whatever the reason, the stakes are high, but again you never know what you gain or lose till you take that risk! Onus of this risk needs a lot of courage & trust and a lot more of it when you lose out (it’s not recommended for the frail hearted).
It’s quite strange that we manage to put up a strong exterior before the outside world, which all crumbles when we are with those we love. We are never more vulnerable than when we trust someone, but are there any other ways of finding love and joy then.
And of course there are the odds that you find yourself on the other end (not the receiving one though). Coz no matter how hard you try you can never protect those you love from hurt..sometimes not even from yourself. Yes painful as it may seem, there comes a time when you hurt those you love the most, of course unintentionally (we aren’t sadists here), it just happens. No money, no success, no power can redeem you.
Having been there at both the ends, all I could say is the only way out is to be true to yourself. And keep the trust, everything starts and ends with it. That’s the only way we learn and grow up (literally). If you find yourself at the other end, learn to forgive yourself and the other (quit the guilt trip, doesn’t get you anywhere)…
Nobody’s perfect, accept that!  Even nature seems perfect coz we have accepted its imperfection!!

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