Some thing’s are just meant to be.. Heard this a million times, makes me want to believe it when things are going right..
They say life is a journey; you meet people, love them, befriend them, learn from them, teach them, and then at some point in life let them go… I know letting go has never been easy for anyone, and it’s this attachment that is the cause of our sadness. But not when I have to let go of something.. Always felt goodbyes are never meant to be… Ok now lets talk about the happy things, when suddenly everything falls into place, all the numbers are right, all the jumbled pieces of your life seem to now fit in, and the whole world seems to be rejoicing… it’s the most mesmerizing feeling I have ever felt.
It happens in the few magical moments in our lives when we meet someone, maybe not someone special. But who walks into your life just when you need them and voila your troubles just evaporate, music begins, and all dreams seem to come true. I know it’s too good to be true but everyone has a phase in their life where you want to believe in angels and miracles. As they say everything in life happens for a reason and that is when all the coincidences and serendipity’s in life make sense.
I for sure will cherish all those moments in my life, which yet bring a smile to my face when I’m at my lowest ebb in life. So I am always on the lookout for the rainbow ov’r the horizon which might not come to pass day after day but when it does, it sure gives u a reason to smile for a long long time to come. And if you’ve been wondering who I’ve been thinking about, while writing this, it’s a secret! And like the lyrics of the famous song J
Like a river flows surely to the sea,
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be….
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