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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a Time to begin...

Time to start writing my blog again……. 

Time waits for none… we all work around ‘time’ but what is this time that we talk about.
Just an intangible thing that none of us can explain. Is time the sum of our memories, experiences, and circumstances? And is time different for one and all? Well yes and a no, Time is what you make of it!

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. ~ Carl Sandburg

In today’s competitive world we all are running behind time, struggling to be on time, arrive on time, caught up in this time clock of 24 hours. The timer starts the moment your alarm clock goes off in the morning and the mad rush with time begins. From getting to leave home to reaching office on time, to making it for the client appointment, to getting the kids to school on time, to the dentist’s appointment, to the gym, to the dinner date, and finally to bed (and I wouldn't be surprised if we time ourselves in our dreams too ;) ).. Phew! I guess that could all earn us a degree in well, Time Management. J

Well it’s a surprise on how much importance we give to the so called ‘time’ in our lives. So are we using our time constructively for our betterment and the good of others? Are we able to devote “time” to all those who we value and precious to us? Do we have enough Time for ourselves and our growth? 
Let me make this easier for you.

“Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” – Will Rogers

In YOUR life you get to decide what you do with the ‘time’ you have in your hand. You can put it to the best use or just squander it. Whatever you do, YOU are responsible for it. Time to get to the core, what we need to identify what are our priorities in life and what we value and cherish the most. Every person has different set of needs, where some people value relationship and family ties, whereas some are driven by their passion (read career), and some take refuge in material comforts and other personal desires. Once we identify what is our priority, time to take stock of life! If you solely take the responsibility of the wings of your 'time' there is no dearth to the flights you can take. 

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler

To make this simpler we just need to do some self check. 

·         Where do you spend most of your time?
The first step would be to identify where maximum amount of your time is spent; at work, or commuting, with friends, socializing  etc. Then probably you could try to tweak your lifestyle and make some changes so you are left with more time in hand.

·         How do you prioritize so as to take out maximum time for things you value?
The second step would be to list down the things that you would like to do with this new found time. Probably spend it reading or playing with your children, walk your dog, join the dance class (you always wanted to), or just simply spend some more quality time with your spouse or parents. Or if you wanna be selfless could help an NGO, educate a child or just help a neighbor. 

·         If that seems difficult then taking time off (yes OFF) to do things You really want to do.
Yes if altering your schedule seems difficult then just put in that leave application you have been delaying and pack off to your holiday destination.
 These are a little things which I feel one can do make the most out of our time. In this rat race, at times we leave behind the more important things in our lives. And the most significant of all of them is “YOU” . We have to set aside certain time in our lives for OUR own growth, be it spiritual, intellectual or emotional. 

Be your own best friend and spend quality time with Yourself!
Love yourself and your self will love you back in TIME! J  

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