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Friday, July 8, 2011

Relationship karmas...

For starters will someone tell me what’s karma? In hindu belief, karma is best defined as the deeds you do during your lifetime on this planet earth. While Christian and Mohmeddan beliefs stem from only one life on earth, Buddhist and hindu religions insist on rebirth and the cycle of life, where you are trapped in your human existence till your soul reaches enlightenment…
Anyways you would be wondering what connects all these to our relationships. It does! Since everything is all about managing and growing with our relationships. We all are doing deeds at every stage of our evolution, whether intentionally or unconsciously. There are many a times you end up at a cross road in life and you question yourself now what? Where do I go from here? Why me? And sometimes you choose to wonder that if this is what I really needed? Lot of questions… and the answer just one ‘what goes around most definitely comes around’, in short ‘it’s your karma and payback time. P.S. this does not necessarily mean bad news; we all do have that exhaustive good karma too J

 What is our relationship karma? Is it forever falling into a pattern of bad relationships? Or attracting the wrong kind of partners? Or making the wrong choices? And maybe all of the above and more.

Talk it out
Everyone has his or her own bit of soul searching to do when figuring out their own life. And trust me, when you seek you do get an answer, sooner or later. So how do you get out of this awful karma situation, simple identify your own mistakes, or rather the negative pattern of choices and don’t repeat them. As very rightly said if you aren’t learning from your mistakes you aren’t getting wiser. There are other alternatives too like getting some help from your most trusted friends. Sometimes whilst making tough choices you do get blinded with emotions and can’t think as the crow flies. And a reliable judgment ain’t hurt anyone.  Another important thing is to drop the baggage of the past and start afresh, nothing stifles a potential relationship more than the grudge you choose to carry on. But whatever you do always trust your heart and gut, and more that anything else trust yourself.  Following your heart won’t make you immune to heartbreaks mind it but you will always have something to smile about and someone to love J Love conquers everything even your karma.

Cheers to us with our not so perfect selves and not so perfect judgments. As life in itself is perfect in its imperfections!

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