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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Author unknown

This holds true when you are in one of his marvelous creations called Goa!
Goa... a land of sun, sand and beaches and may i say the rains too!!! This beautiful destination conjures up memories for almost everyone who has managed to lay feet on it… a one stop destination for fun, frolic, adventure, romance and peace too.. This laidback state almost has infinite facets, just like the Pandora’s Box you never know what you will find. As a child most of the vacations to this dreamy land have almost been memorable and till today it never fails to surprise me. At times it’s a proud feeling that this land is my native. It never fails to live up to its image of “susegadh” which means relaxed.
The journey to this mesmerizing terrain has also been memorable… whether it’s the bus or car ride which takes you through ghats exploring the mountains and gauging the depths of valleys. Or it’s the view from the top, from the aircraft, which showcases the stretch of coconut trees and the never ending expanse of the Arabian Sea… absolutely breathtaking. And there is the konkan railway… which takes you through the lush green fields, gushing rivers, mud houses, cattle grazing and if it’s the rains, the view becomes magical even more magical with the clouds hugging the mountains, the breath taking water falls, and the sweet scent of drenched mother earth.. Priceless!!!

Almost everyone has their own unique plan when they holiday here. It satiates every tourists fantasy… tourists who come to enjoy the sun, sand and beach, tourists who seek adventure in the water and adventure sports… tourists who just wanna eat, drink and make merry (this is the prime oneJ)… tourists who wanna party hard and get on the wrong side of going ‘rave’… besides this there are those who come to satisfy their spiritual thirst, to meditate or just visit the beautiful churches and temples that grace this place.  Above all there’s the vast stretch of beaches that begins from Terecol to Cancona down south and those who want to get away from the frenzy, there are those virgin beaches and unexplored forests which beckon every wayward traveler. Each beach celebrates its own inimitable splendor & gait, beckoning you to do the same. Whether it's a swim in the sea or lazing on the shore with your feet up (with a book to read ;) ).  For people who love to wine, dine with some soulful music, you have to look no further. With restaurants offering finger licking fare for your taste buds and music for your soul. And a few like me who just choose to go with the flow and open myself to whatever this mysterious and enthralling place has to unravel. And it has never let me down J

One of the most captivating quality of Goa is that it is 'non judgmental', whatever you wear, drink or do, there is no stopping you, pure fun and freedom in every moment is what you savor. This encapsulates this awesome tourist destination that has mesmerized millions and will do so for years to come!!!
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.  ~John Lubbock

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