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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kind words

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place,
but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing
at the tempting moment."

-- Benjamin Franklin
How many times have we uttered hurtful words in moments of anger or pain, and then regretted later.  I am sure there must be many a instances in life where we say or do insensitive things that we don’t really mean. Many an instance these cost us our friends, partners, spouse, job, life, etc.., the list could be endless. But that one weak moment of anger, rage or vengeance; erases all that was beautiful, all the past glory, all that was nurtured, all that we had.

They say relationships are fragile like a glass; you can mend them when they break, but the cracks will always be there.  Too many cracks and it looks ugly, both the relationship and the glass that is. So what do we do to endure these relations and keep them from getting dented by our own fury or shortcomings? The answer is very simple and yet the most difficult. It starts with ‘me’ and ends with ‘me’. The only thing that you would need to change here is this ‘me’.  Yes I know it is easier said than done to hold on at that vulnerable moment. I would probably try some breathing ;) … jokes apart I think we can achieve this only by ‘being very conscious and aware’ at that very moment. This although difficult would take some diligent effort from your side. But it would save a relationship, a job and most importantly the ‘guilt’ that follows.  More so than often we find ourselves being polite to strangers and less that amiable with our loved ones.
The echo of kind word is endless, so we make a pact with ourselves that no matter what we would need to fill this place with a positive resonance.  Not only will it bring peace to your surrounding but rid you off the taut grip of guilt and anger.